Teen Focused

My Services

As a mom, of course you're starting to stress yourself. You've done your best to help your teen: you've monitored, you've supported, you've lost sleep, but your child is still struggling.

FOCUS Strong 1:1 Coaching will help your teen move past these struggles into a more productive life. We will address how to manage ADHD, what's important to you and them, learn cognitive & mindfulness strategies, so they will emerge confident and successful.

You want the best for your teen, especially if they have ADHD. But, you've seen them struggling and now they're anxious and stressed. You notice it's affecting their grades, relationships, and motivation.

1:1 private coaching

FOCUS Strong


Junior Year Journey is a 12 week step-by-step program to help you and your teen get ALL the things done, so you can have more FUN!

Ask any college student what their hardest year was, and most will say their junior year of high school. With honors, AP classes, highest level competition in activities, volunteer work, and starting the college preparation - it can all be SO overwhelming.

12-week program to guide your teen through junior year

Junior Year Journey


* Name changed for privacy

"Jacob* is doing much better overall. He seems to have a more positive outlook on school and life.

I think back to where he was when I first reached out to you and he has made some dramatic improvements. I have my boy back!" Our kids are exhausted after the pandemic: years of frustrated teachers and so many changes every day. They need to get back on track!"

- mom of teenage boy

"Have we come a long way or what?! He’s always been polite, but he was so disinterested I felt it came off as rude at times

He’s really come out of his shell it seems. He had a 3.7 (weighted) GPA this last semester. He is a great employee. He’s still into travel baseball and hoping to play in college. He’s helpful and respectful at home. He still does stupid teenage stuff, but I’m not worried he’s getting into serious trouble. He’s really a good kid. "

what one mom is saying

book a free consult

Why waste life coaching just for high level executives? Teens need these skills now! Life coaching teaches teens to manage their time, find balance, reduce stress, find their unique learning style and develop crucial social communication strategies. Executives say they're burning out.. and then they find new purpose with life coaching! Funny thing... teens find the same thing!

Teens Need These Skills Now!

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