1:1 private teen coaching

1:1 Private Coaching for teens who are struggling with ADHD, stress, anxiety, and finding motivation.

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As a mom, of course you want the best for your teen. But, you've seen them struggling and now they're anxious and stressed. These struggles start affecting their grades, relationships, and motivation.

If your teen struggles with ADHD, anxiety, lack of motivation, organization and procrastination, 1:1 coaching is a perfect fit for them. 

You're a good mom, your teen is a good kid, but you need some help. YOU'RE NOT ALONE.


Your teen doesn't have to struggle forever...

FOCUS Strong

FOCUS Strong 1:1 Coaching uses psychology, coaching, mindfulness and happiness science to move your teen forward into a happy and successful life. 

1:1 Coaching can help you & your teen

Find your values and purpose

Organize your  time, and mindset

Challenge obstacles and anxiety

Understand your unique life balance

Strategies for support and success

Your Teen will:

discover their values and purpose

Move past their struggles into a more productive life

learn ADHD, cognitive and mindfulness strategies

find balance by managing time in all areas of their life

become more confident and successful

build and maintain strong social connections

A look at what's included

Weekly Private Coaching
Parent Check-In Meetings
Email accountability and support Monday - Thursday
Weekly Goal-Setting
Tools & Resources for motivation

Clients emerge from this program with more confidence, more joy, and more success.

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They are procrastinating or not motivated.

They're often feeling anxious or stressed.

They lack confidence or meaningful social connections.

FOCUS Strong is for your  teen if...

FOCUS Strong is not for your teen if...

They have it all together and life is easy.

Their goals are clear and they're headed on that path. 

They manage time well and are never stressed.

teenage boy

"What helped me the most was making a plan each night and using the timer. I’m a lot more motivated to get my homework done."

college student

"I was so stressed last week, but then I remembered to do The Model and I changed my thinking around. I actually did really well on my Physics test."

teenage boy

"Making up all that work from covid was hard and I didn’t think I could do it. Thank you for sticking with me and helping me with the stress and planning my time better. I’m actually all caught up and my girlfriend says I haven’t been so grumpy.” 

what they're saying

book a free consult

Are you and your teen ready to see positive changes? Are they ready to learn tools that will help them now and in the future? Sign up for a call and let's get started.

Let's get started!

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